What do they forget to write in the resume?

1. In the title of the desired position they often write “Manager”, and this is almost equivalent to leaving the field with the name of the position empty.

2. In all places, an indication of the same list of duties or, even worse, they write “the same duties”. Yes, the work may be similar, but for sure it was somewhat different: the size of the company, the area of ​​responsibility, information systems, territories, results, etc. This should be indicated.

3. Almost everyone forgets to indicate the results of their activities. But they, especially for managers in the field of sales, or for managers at the level of managers and above, are the most significant. Those who write about the results, already at the level of viewing the resume get a competitive advantage.

4. Surprisingly, very often, leaders do not know how to write about their leadership experiences. At best, indicate the number of subordinates. But it is extremely rare to find resumes of executives in which it is indicated: what problem was solved, how did they manage processes (built processes) and people (which units, how many people and where), in which territories, with what result (achievements).

5. "Forget" to indicate an experience that was unofficial, without entry into the labor. Thus, a gap is formed in the summary. Probably, they do so, because consider that if the record is not confirmed by the record, then it is not important. A resume is not a workbook; it is important to reflect actual experience in it. Therefore, it is necessary to indicate experience that is not in the work book, but which relates to your profile and which someone can confirm.

6. For representatives of the "free format of work" the most common mistake: they write the word "freelance" everywhere - the name of the company, the name of the position and a description of the responsibilities. This is not true, and at the resume level only repulsive. It is necessary to display the essence of the work, for example: Java-developer (field name of the position) for the X company (after the name of the employer), and in the field “responsibilities” describe the essence of the work.

7. Forget to indicate important details of their work. Is there really nothing to brag about? A resume is the surest place to do this. And this error applies to all professions:

commercial specialists often forget to indicate the products / services with which they worked or at least in which segments (FMCG), to which customers they sold (wholesale / retail, b2b / b2c);
similarly, if the position is administrative, the head of the administrative department, for example, then, it turns out, he works in a holding company that includes a branch network, the head office is from 500 people, etc. And the work of one AXO director will be very different from the same director in a company with 50 employees;
project managers and construction managers forget examples and references to objects, their area, cost, geography, type and class of objects, etc .;
representatives of creative specialties, both designers / artists and PR / editors forget to fill in the Portfolio: attached files or links to examples of work.


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